
The acknowledgement that YOU are the Leader and Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of your life and living.

Energy Leadership Index
Julie Perkins

You are in the driver's seat...

and the principles of Energy Leadership are your navigation tools!

Energy Leaders recognize that things don’t happen TO them…

they KNOW that they are the ones making things happen.

Sometimes by simply shifting their energy.

It begins with assessing how you are functioning energetically –

and continues with consistent energy management practices.

  1. Become aware of your current energy level*
  2. Identify what’s influencing your energy levels
  3. Choose to change to an energy level that will create more!

Are you suffering from low energy?

Running on empty at the end of the day?
It could be how you’re managing your energy.

Would you like to change that?

"People always talk about investing time, money and energy into their lives, often seeking tools to help them manage their time and money - yet who is facilitating them on energy management?"

- Julie O Perkins